Comments on: Check up lifelog :: art, theology, tech, politics Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matthew Mon, 18 Jan 2010 07:17:10 +0000 Yeah, now I’m going to be more busy, but having gotten into the habit of cranking out posts recently, I may be able to keep up better.

Since we have to read the NT in a week for school, I’ve been reading 10 pages a day for the last few weeks, and it really gives a better context to my readings, and I get caught up in the story.

I’ve been following the exercise and pull-ups routines on the Art of Manliness website. That and running 4 miles 2x a week, including a really steep hill. It’s been working pretty well, except I can do 3 or 4 pullups, but not multiple sets of them.

Congrats on the Internet upgrade!

I try to write good posts, but there’s way room for improvement. Your posts have been good-content even when short. I was looking back at some of my older short posts, and they were embarrassing.
