Comments on: Arts and Crafts lifelog :: art, theology, tech, politics Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ashley P Fri, 04 Feb 2011 05:26:36 +0000 Aw. Made me laugh. And then there’s the warm fuzzies. Very nice. :)
-Ashley P

By: m.Funk.b Sun, 30 Jan 2011 12:55:50 +0000 I like it Anna. As you were stating that you were not good at certain hand made items. knitting etc. I was thinking. You are great at Handmade Cards/Drawing and Painting, music and blog posts. Cheers to you and “a broken mold”

By: Nathaniel Robertson Thu, 27 Jan 2011 23:15:46 +0000 I’m not sure exactly how to fit this in, but I wanted to point out that less tangible gifts can also be handmade. Things like a blog template, mix CD, and such. Running dry on examples here, so I hope the idea is said.

By: Hannah L. Thu, 27 Jan 2011 14:14:52 +0000 *Raises hand* Here’s a woman reader! :-D

Now, to come up with a comment more knowledgeable than, “I agree…you’re dead on.”

*Grin* But really. This is definitely true. And I think that one thing to remember for those of us who may have some experience in gift-making–it is far too easy to see the young children’s meager attempts and be inclined to wait until they’re older and have the coordination, etc. to take the time to teach them well. But children are much more intelligent than we give them credit for, and the more time we take to work with them, the better their skill will be, both earlier and later. The Dutch girls didn’t come to knitting clothes for their families by picking up needles as curious teens.

God bless~
