Author Archives: Matthew Hurley

Thoughts on death

On a couple occasions during the last school year, Caleb, fellow classmate Chris and I have discussed the subject of death, and specifically the Christian attitude towards death. More recently, Caleb made this post on the matter. He argues that we should be able to laugh at death and irony, that we should not fear […]

The myth of relevance

How can I appeal to my audience? How can I attract readers? When you’re writing a blog, or really anything for publication, it’s tempting to focus on drawing readers in. Tagging posts strategically, trying to be important and relevant, appearing seeker-friendly. I am guilty of this. When I post a YouTube video, I try to […]

Nite Ize LED Upgrade vs. Maglite & Streamlight

I received in the mail today a ridiculously large box, considering the size of the item it contained, which was a Nite Ize AA Mini Maglite 1 Watt LED Upgrade II from! There have been a few different models floating around, but this is the alpha male, so to speak. It’s got a Luxeon […]

Lyric poem on sleep

This is a declamation I wrote for Rhetoric class. The assignment was to write a lyric poem. I wrote mine on sleep, basing it on my extensive personal experience. Without further ado, then: Sleep is Enigmatic Sleep, you are cold-blooded, merciless, an executioner. You softly slit my throat from ear to ear into a smile […]