Category Archives: life

Stuff from our own lives and things about life in general.

Academic chastening

From Wednesday night to Friday afternoon a couple weeks ago, I worked almost exclusively on a paper proposal (abstract) for my History Colloquium class. It was the sort where you have to have your topic, sources, thesis and supporting argumentation—your paper in all but implementation—already decided and articulated in your abstract. I hadn’t done any […]

Please vote

One person saying something is a minnow in the sea. 10,000 people saying the same thing is a leviathan. Don’t be discouraged, you can make a difference. The USA is still a free country. The millions who defy apathy—they are the ones that make the difference. You can be one of them. Bad officials are […]

CRF testimony

So, I am going to be lame and actually post something that I wrote for homework. In my defense, it was not for school, but for CRF (For those of you unfamiliar with that, it is Collegiate Reformed Fellowship for students in the Moscow area). This last week at CRF, Mr. Ben Merkle spoke on […]

No Power Since 2002… B.C.

Good morning, my friends! And if you are not my friend, don’t tell me, I like a false sense of security. Today, we head to the middle east, but not about the war. This is serious! In Afghanistan, after years of rebuilding, many still do not have electricity! We know this, because the news tells […]