Category Archives: gadgets

iPads and knives. Something like that.

Review: Spyderco Endura 4 Wave

Back in mid-January, I ordered and received a Spyderco Endura 4 Wave, and, while I wanted to review it right then and there, I decided to wait until I’d tested it a bit more. That time has come. “Spyderco is a company, founded in 1978 by Sal Glesser and based in Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., that […]

Nite Ize LED Upgrade vs. Maglite & Streamlight

I received in the mail today a ridiculously large box, considering the size of the item it contained, which was a Nite Ize AA Mini Maglite 1 Watt LED Upgrade II from! There have been a few different models floating around, but this is the alpha male, so to speak. It’s got a Luxeon […]

CRKT Drifter knife review

So I recently purchased a new knife, having unfortunately lost my previous one out raking leaves on the same day, ironically, that I lost my wallet, keys, and cell phone… but that’s another story. My last knife was a CRKT M16-13Z, which was a pretty decent knife. You can find a good review of it […]