Category Archives: tech

The application of science. In many ways.

The distrust and disinformation of email

OpenCongress published a blog post yesterday reporting that the two most viewed bills right now are “outlandish, non-viable proposals that have no support and no chance of being taken seriously by congressional leaders, ever.” A lot of traffic is arriving at these bills via searches. These bills top the list because of chain emails. The […]

The WWW myth

WWW is a relic of the past. Once, it was useful. Now, it’s largely redundant1. For most sites, you can just leave out the www and it will redirect to or just Twitter, for example, redirects to no www. Some sites will just accept either (which is a bad idea, actually). A number […]

Why you might try Twitter

With the name fresh in your ears, you may now be scoffing at what you think to be one of the new internet fads of the last years. Twitter tends to get a rap as just another social network, maybe even without much of a point. However, Twitter is probably a bit different than what […]

Platinum SEO review

This is rather overdue. Since I care somewhat about SEO (not an SEOhead, though… I mean, how many SEO blogs can there be?), I looked for a WordPress plugin to handle that sort of stuff for a broken mold. All in One SEO Pack is pretty much the package for WordPress, I guess, but I […]