Republicans – a broken mold lifelog :: art, theology, tech, politics Fri, 20 Jul 2012 03:20:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The American Cold War Wed, 03 Nov 2010 17:17:32 +0000 That’s what I like to call our current political spat. It is not fought with guns, but propaganda and politics, two words that only act like synonyms.

Yes we have made a great victory, but not because of the reason you might think. No, it’s not because the Democrats are now terrified of the Reps, as entertaining as that might be, but because of one little man with one big plan. That’s right, an “independent” has won the governorship of Rhode Island. I know, I know, it’s a tiny insignificant state that is so out of the way that Rhode shows up as misspelled in my spellchecker. I don’t care. I like Rhode. Now more than ever. But why am I not enthusiastic about the Reps victory? I haven’t seen many of them that I would actually vote for. No offense the ones that I have offended, but it all sounds like differing versions of Socialism to me. But for an independent to win the governorship gives me hope that a third party might arise and take the lead one day. A party that stands for Biblical truth, and not politics as usual. If one can win, two can win. And that is all the false hope I need to keep smiling.

But on the “Big Win” of November 2010, the war is far from over. The two sides are still fighting hard, casualties on both sides, even if they are just politically dead. Men have come back to the living, women have left their households, and name calling is prevalent on every page of your local newspaper. Now is not the time to celebrate, but to act! Arise, men of America! (and women) Vote against the income tax, the property tax, and government spending so much. Rise up in this cold war and live or die- okay I’m done. Seriously, this is good and all, but won’t fix a thing. It all is rather childish.

What the country needs is not a trust in the “P” word or the government, but a change of heart. My true challenge is to the pastors. Become leaders instead of followers. Bring Christ back into the lives of men (and women) and not just in the pews. Get personal, change lives, make a difference in their hearts and minds as well as their souls. Getting men (and women) to Heaven is not our job, but God’s. Our job is to proclaim and live Truth. Emphasize the “live.”

And another thing: I hate politics.

Thank you.

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What are they Building, an Ice-cream Tower? Wed, 18 Aug 2010 01:55:22 +0000 Good morning America! Time to wake up and smell the Turkish coffee. I know this is a late report over old news, but… ahem, “Republican candidates around the country seized on President Barack Obama’s support for the right of Muslims to build a mosque near ground zero, assailing him as an elitist who is insensitive to the families of the Sept. 11 victims.” Oh boy, what to add, what to add? Well, we all know that it’s an outrage what the Muslims are doing, as well as our current President. And what he’s doing. However, I feel no need to add to this fact because… well, we all know it. So, instead, let me yell at you, “Republican candidates around the country,” because you are all losers. No, you are no worse than what we got, but you still are losers. Tell me something, you are all against this thing, right? So where are you twerps? “Republican candidates?” Where is the stand, the names, the weird extremists laying down in the job sight to stop production that are so fun to watch on TV? There we go, Andrew Harris! What did he say? “He is thinking like a lawyer and not like an American…” Yes, we know lawyers are not real Americans, or even real people for that matter, but where is the outrage, the fight, the “Get off my lawn,” attitude? All I hear is more lawyer talk. No, I don’t think guns are necessary, I just think a good protest wouldn’t kill anyone. In fact, we have not had a good protest in ages it seems, and this sounds like the type of thing that needs one. Think about it this way: what would happen, say, terrorists come and blow your home up with your family and friends inside, as well as a good bit of your neighbor’s family. Now picture me patting you on the back and saying, “Don’t worry, your insurance company said the terrorists were covered, and your money will be used to make a statue in honor of their sacrifice.” What would you tell me? What are the “republican candidates” saying? The equivalent of, “I’m so ticked off right now.” Well, sorry, but that doesn’t make me jump up and down, laying palm leaves at your feet. In fact, I feel ticked off at you. So, my dear “republican candidates,” with or without names, get on the ball, be a leader, do something. Leaders are supposed to love those who they rule. Love is a verb, an action, and all I see is words. Words without action are empty and void. So to end this little rant of mine, don’t rebel, protest. It’s what makes up a healthy society.

Lovingly stated,

Caleb, your gentle politician hater.
